martes, 18 de octubre de 2011



Hello! My name is Becky Minnich, and I am one of the language assistants at Ategua this year. This is my second year as a language assistant, as well as my second year teaching at Ategua here in Castro, and I'm very excited to be back!
First I will tell you a little about myself. I'm from the United States; more specifically from Minnesota. It's a very beautiful state located in the northern, central part of the country. We have a very long, cold winter, with a lot of snow and freezing temperatures. You can imagine how happy I am to be in Andalusia for the winter! It's not a particularly well known state, however one interesting fact about Minnesota is that our basketball team, the Timberwolves, recently recruited Ricky Rubio, a young spanish star!
I've lived in Minnesota my whole life, and only traveled to a few places in the United States (Florida, Oklahoma, New York...) I live with my family in a very small town. I studied Languages at the University of Minnesota, as well as teaching English as a second language. I love teaching, however, my job in the US is a nursing assistant. Hopefully when I return next year, I will be able to start teaching English there (or maybe even Spanish!) Aside from work and school, I really enjoy listening to music, painting and drawing, and practicing some sports, like soccer (fútbol).
As I mentioned before, I am very excited to be back in Castro. I had such a wonderful experience last year, I knew I had to come back for one more. I'm really looking forward to speaking with my students about their holidays, and getting back into the routine of school. I'm also very excited to get to know my new students in primero de ESO. I also am hoping this year to travel around Spain, and see new places.
Cheers to another fantastic school year!!


Becky Minnich


"Hello everyone, my name is Chris Watkins and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. Some information about myself, I have 3 younger brothers, I have a dog, my favorite sports are basketball and American football, and I love to travel. During the past few years I have lived in many places. I have lived in such places as México, Texas, Dewey Beach, and San Diego. Depending on where you might travel to in the USA, the culture can change from region to region. I’m very happy to be working as a language assistant in your school. This is a very exciting time for me. There are two reasons I became a language assistant; one, I wanted to see the culture of Spain and two, I wanted to share my culture. Last school year I was working in a school in Ferrol, Galicia. I had a wonderful experience working with my students in Ferrol. This year I’m very excited to be working in Castro del Rio. I look forward to getting to know the teachers and students. I expect that by the end of the school year our English communication will improve dramatically. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. See you soon."

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011


Un año más damos la bienvenida al grupo de 1º de ESO bilingüe. Tras sorteo realizado en julio, el grupo está compuesto por 30 alumnos/as procedentes de los dos colegios de la localidad, y esperamos que todos ellos/as estén dispuestos a aprender mucho usando el inglés como lengua vehicular en Sociales, Naturales y Matemáticas.

Estamos seguros de que también ellos participarán con entusiasmo en las actividades que los Departamentos de Lengua, Francés , Inglés y ANL les tienen preparadas .

WELCOME TO Ategua Secondary School!!!!


Nuestro equipo de profesores de la Sección bilingüe crece. Este curso se unen a Juan M. Algaba (matemáticas) y Alfonso Rodríguez (ciencias naturales) los siguientes compañeros:

· David Sánchez Portero, ANL de matemáticas, que ya el curso pasado estuvo preparando materiales para trabajar intensamente con 1º de ESO.

· Juan Antonio Molina Mahedero ,ANL de Geografía e Historia que, aunque se acaba de incorporar al IES Ategua, tiene experiencia en otras secciones bilingües. Tendrá docencia directa en los cuatro grupos bilingües (de 1º a 4º).

· Juan Aguilar Ruiz, ANL de Informática, que acompañará a los alumnos/as de 4º de ESO en un viaje apasionante por el mundo de Google.

Al equipo de áreas lingüístias (Lengua Española, Francés e Inglés), formado por Mariana Caracuel, Mª del Carmen Roldán, Josefa Erencia, Azahara Luque , Claudia Caravaca y Josefa Montilla, se unen Esperanza Guisado del Dpto. de Inglés, Rosa Aguilera del Dpto. de Francés y Mª Jesús Molina del Dpto. de Lengua. Todas ellas seguirán trabajando en la elaboración del Currículum Integrado de las lenguas, que este año culmina su ciclo con 4º de ESO.